Workforce Management for Small to Medium and Large Enterprise Businesses
Workforce Management is not a Recruitment function, you will have to interview the workers and Workforce Assist will engage them on our books, not yours.
This reduces your spending by cutting labour costs. Ideally for businesses who would prefer to outsource the engagement of the workforce to an organisation who specialises in onboarding, payroll, HR and award interpretation. We can also fund the payroll for the workers freeing up cashflow within the your business.
Essentially the workers are on our books not yours meaning you don’t need to manage workcover, payroll tax, superannuation, payroll functions or award calculations, we do all that for you, and when you don’t require the workers service you just let us know and we may be able to place them elsewhere.
Automating and outsourcing processes for managing the workforce results in fewer responsibilities for a business to worry about. This eliminates the need for unnecessary labour, such as bookkeeping or administration, and allows the business to invest where it really matters.
Contact Us to find out more on how to fund your payroll or manage the workforce.
Our Service includes
1- Onboarding
- Onbaording new workers onto our online system
- Collect required licences and monitor licence expiries.
- Assessing Fitness for work, including:
- fatigue
- Medical fitness (i.e. physical health and functional capacity)
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Alcohol and other drug use.
- Issue employment agreements, employment handbooks, WHS induction, Fair Work Statements
2- Compliance
- Annual wage reviews to ensure pay rates and entitlements meet the requirements of all relevant modern awards & the industrial instrument.
- Checking at time of recruitment to ensure new workers have all required licences and certificates, for example drivers licences, security licences, crowd control licences and first aid certificates, etc. for their classification of work.
- Ongoing checking to ensure required licences and certificates are valid for all workers.
- Department of Immigration checks to ensure that any visa’s that apply are valid and being complied with.
3- Client support
- Working with your business to prepare bespoke timesheet and assist in its implementation.
- Handling all pay queries and other day-to-day workforce management issues as that arise.
- Checking, monitoring and ensuring ongoing validity and compliance with all visa and required licencing and qualification requirements.
- Ensuring timely responses to day-to-day enquiries from any of the workers.
- Providing the client with regular updates about changes to industrial relations and workplace related laws or regulations.
Self Service Portal
Employee will have a self-service portal where they can,
Submit timesheets,
Submit expenses,
Submit incident and hazard forms
Update licences.
Client Approver access to
Approve or reject timesheets.
Approve or reject expenses.
Set Rosters for workers.
Payroll Funding
Free up cash flow in your business and use our payroll funding option from 7 days to 90 days to pay our labour invoice.